SUNTAR Technologies

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About Suntar International Group & Suntar Technologies

Suntar is
1996년 Dr. Lan Wei Guang 교수에 의해 설립되어 싱가포르에 본사를 두고 있는 Suntar는 정제, 여과, 회수, 용수재활용 토탈솔루션 분야의 선도적인 공급업체입니다.

  • Suntar 그룹사는 2003년 Singapore Stock Exchange Main Board 및 2019년 Membrane 업계 최초로 Shanghai Stock Exchange STAR에 상장하였으며, 2004년 “Asia and Pacific High-Tech & High Growth” 500대 기업으로 선정되었습니다.

    발효, 식품, 제약, 화학 산업에서 멤브레인, 연속식 이온교환시스템 분야의 풍부한 경험과, 독일, 네덜랜드등의 고도의 기술을 접목해 고품질 제품과 서비스로 고객들과 견고한 신뢰를 쌓아 왔습니다.
  • 200개 이상의 특허를 보유한 Suntar는 정제·여과 프로세스 개발, 엔지니어링 설계, 설비제조, 시스템통합, 시공, 시운전 및 A/S 까지 Total Solution Provider 입니다.

    2023년 현재 27개 고객사 현장에 Waste Water Treatment 플랜트를 직접 설계/시공/운영 하고 있으며, 2010년에 Suntar의 일일 처리량이 1,000,000 Ton/day를 넘어선 이래, 2023년 현재 일일 용수처리량 1,100,000 Ton/day 및 Recycled Water 2,500,000 Ton/day를 처리하고 있습니다.
  • 싱가포르와 중국 샤먼시에 본사 및 연구개발, Pilot Test Center, 제조사업장이 있으며, 200개 이상의 특허와 800여명의 직원이 신뢰와 기술력을 바탕으로 고객만족에 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

Suntar Vision

To be a global leader in the development of advanced membrane technology for water purification, wastewater treatment, and cleaner production

Suntar Mission

To clean the environment and generate wealth for our future

Suntar Philosophy

To partner with our investors, staff, and business partners through sharing our technology know-how for mutual benefit

Established in 1996, Suntar International Group’s portfolio spans across membrane technology, health & nutrition, biotech products & specialty chemicals. Suntar Environmental (‘Suntar’) is the Group’s membrane technology arm listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE: 688101).

Suntar is regarded as an industry-leading separation and filtration specialist that provides innovative solutions for clients through the application of our RDPA approach. We solve manufacturing and environmental challenges for our clients across sectors such as pharmaceuticals, biotech, food tech, petrochemicals, etc., helping them maximize yield and minimize waste.


To be a global leader in the development of advanced membrane technology for water purification, wastewater treatment, and cleaner production.


We are a world-leading technology company driven by R&D and focused on membrane development and application.

Some of Clients
Core Technology

Suntar’s core technologies are mainly divided into 7 aspects: membrane material production, membrane module production, membrane software development, membrane equipment manufacturing, membrane system integration, membrane technology application, and water treatment solutions, with more than 200 patents.

Suntar Membrane is a pioneer in the field of membrane technology development and application in China. It is one of the earliest enterprises engaged in the development of advanced membrane separation application technology for the process industry in China. It has filled the gap in domestic membrane application processes such as nuclear power, rare earth element and pharmaceutical.

In terms of membrane material technology, Suntar has a world-leading inorganic ceramic and graphene composite membrane technology; with iMBR and other membrane technology reserves.

Suntar Environmental Technology CO.,LTD.

SUNTAR ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. (‘Suntar’) was established in 1996. The group focuses on the R&D and production of membrane materials, membrane modules, manufacture of complete systems, membrane process design and system integration. Suntar is a leading technology and innovation company, integrating the R&D of advanced membrane materials, together with investment and operation of water treatment plants and projects.

Across years of rich experience, our group has become industrially known as a membrane and filter specialist, with experience spanning across energy and minerals, biological fermentation, metallurgy and petrochemicals, food and beverages, pharmaceutical and chemicals industry, water purification and environmental protection, etc, providing clients innovative and comprehensive solutions with the purpose of energy reduction.

Suntar’s international headquarters is set up in Singapore, with a factory of nearly 3,200 square meters. At the same time, we have established 5 production bases and 2 offices in China, covering 8 provinces and invested in over 27 sewage treatment operation projects.